(email sent August 12, 2013)
I've successfully arrived in the Sheboygan Wisconsin Zone. After arriving
in the Milwaukee Airport at 8:30 ish on Tuesday morning all thirty ish of us met President Cutler
and his wife and daughter and then got in the mission vans and headed for the
stake center near the mission home. We weren't able to sleep after being up for
40 hours because we would have gotten our sleep schedule all messed up so
instead we watched the Testament movie, and did personal study while we were
interviewed by president Cutler. We had a newcomers meeting and meals at the
Stake center and then retired to a nearby hotel for bed at 8:30. The next
morning on Wednesday we went back
to the stake center to receive our Trainers and be assigned to a zone. My
companion is Elder Cranney from Roosevelt Utah. He's been here for 5 months and
He's awesome. He loves the Lord and loves to serve, He's a hard worker and we
get along well. Sheboygan city zone and the surrounding areas. It's right on
the shores of lake Michigan, (attached photos). Sheboygan is an interesting
city i've been told and also seen for myself. Brats were invented right here in
Sheboygan and we've already had a brat cookout at a members house. The member
was a guy named Brother Klunk. He is a recent convert (January) and is retired,
he loves to spend time with the missionaries, he goes with us as a member to our
appointments whenever we need him. Our zone uses cars but we have limited
miles, but he always volunteers to drive us where ever we need to go. He's
awesome. The weather is quite nice, I came at the perfect time. It's only hot
in direct sunlight if there is no breeze. If you are in the shade and its
breezy then its perfect. The humidity isn't too bad but its noticeable. The
apartment I live in isn't too bad, we've got a big table and living room to
study in but we have a tiny kitchen. There were two other elders living in our
apartment but we helped them move to an apartment downstairs on Saturday. The Ward is quite large for
the area that we're in but we hope to make it grow. Our District has 3
companion ships; I'm in the English companion ship, there is the Hmong Elders,
and the Spanish elders . On Sunday our district ate at the Bishops house and got to know
him and his family better. The days go pretty smoothly, we wake up and have
time to exercise, usually we play basketball or tennis at a nearby park, or
sometimes we have a nerf war in basement of our apartment against the Hmong
elders. After exercise we get ready and eat then begin studying. We study
personally for an hour then we have two hours of companion study. Usually we
follow studies with lunch and then begin tracting or go to the appointments that
we have set up for the day. We either have a dinner appointment or return for
dinner at the apartment and continue tracting until 9 where we plan for the next
day then hang out and write in our journals. I love it here and I'm so glad I
have so much time to learn from the scriptures and the spirit. I've really
recognized the blessings that I've received and I can only hope that I can serve
my hardest for these two short years. If you want to send me letters, the best
way is to send them to the mission home. Packages need to be priority mail or
first class, not ups or fedex, and those will need to be sent to the mission
home as well.
I love and miss you all!
God loves us! The Church is True!
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