September 30, 2013
Hello Everyone, I hope everyone has had a great week!
Sheboygan is
treating me well, especially the weather. It has been perfect this week, right
at 70 degrees and nice big white clouds, and a great breeze. The leaves are
starting to change, but I get the feeling that the best is soon to come. This
week has been really good, my companion Elder Cranney and I have talked to lots
of people. We have spent a lot of our time this week talking to people that
have showed interest in hearing more about the gospel before. So we have a list
of all their names and addresses and it takes us a few hours to stop by them
all. The hard part is most of the time they aren't home or no one answers. So
it feels like we have wasted precious time. But looking back I have seen that
almost everyday we have found someone and set up a time to come back and teach
them. We have 4 or 5 lessons set up this week that we set up from contacting
these people. It's amazing to see how the Lord works. Many of these people are
going through a rough time or just simply want to be closer to Jesus Christ. So
there are little miracles everywhere. This week we were at a Chinese Buffet
with some members for dinner and a lady walked up and asked us where the church
was in Sheboygan, she has lived here for a few weeks but wasn't able to find
where the church was online. She hasn't been to church in a while and really
wants to come back and feel that spirit that comes from hearing the gospel. Its
just amazing how everything works out.
I am so excited for
Conference this up coming week! Hearing from prophets and apostles is such an
amazing and spiritual experience! In Mosiah 8:3 Ammon goes to the people of
Limhi and teaches them, "he also rehearsed unto them the last words which king
Benjamin had taught them, and explained them to the people of king Limhi, so
that they might understand all the words which he spake." I love this verse,
the people of Limhi were in bondage and didn't know if the people they left in
Zarahemla were even alive. So when Ammon brings the teachings of the prophet
the people of Limhi rejoice and give thanks to their Lord. Hearing from the
prophets is such a blessing, whether it is from modern prophets or ancient ones,
their message is always meant for us to improve and grow closer to Jesus Christ
our Savior and Redeemer. They help us understand His teachings and how we can
become more like Him.
I am so grateful for a living prophet on the
earth today. I know that Thomas
S. Monson is chosen by God to lead the people of the earth and that all who heed
his counsel will be blessed. God speaks through his prophets and this weekend
God will speak to us through them. I challenge everyone to listen to as much of
conference as possible. And to write down at least three questions that you
want God to answer. I promise that as you listen to the speakers and keep these
questions in mind and have an open heart to the Holy Spirit, Your questions will
be answered and if you act on your answers your life will be full of peace and
My time is nearly up, but I want you all to know how much you
mean to me! I love being a missionary, I have never felt closer to my God and
My Savior. They love you infinitely, and want nothing more than to
bless you. We can feel Their love whenever we pray with an open
I know this.
I hope everyone has an amazing
Love Elder Jackson Moroni Ward
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